Self-Guided Historical Tour
Start your tour at either the Seneca County Museum or the American Civil War Museum of Ohio, and weave your way through our downtown with visits to our museums, art galleries, monuments, & public art.
1 Seneca County Museum: 28 Clay St.
Wed - Sat 12 p.m. – 5 p.m.;
Special Festival Hours: Sat. 12 p.m. — 5 p.m., Sunday
1 p.m.— 4 p.m.
For more information, click here!
2 Indian Maiden Statue
The Indian Maiden Statue was unveiled on October 11, 1926 and was built from funds donated by Meschech Frost. Previously Water Street, it was renamed Frost Parkway in his honor. The statue itself honors the Native Americans and soldiers present during the construction of Fort Ball during the War of 1812.
3 Fort Ball Sycamore Tree
This tree sprouted in the 1800s and was near or within the site of the original 1813 Fort Ball.

4 War of 1812 & Civil War Monument and Monument Square
Dedicated on July 3, 1885, it was planned for the Courthouse lawn, but the majority voted to place it along Frost Parkway & Water Street. In this area are the World War I, the World War II, and the Korean War, and Vietnam Memorial monuments.
5 Tiffin Police & Fire All Patriots Memorial
In August 2011, Tiffin was selected to receive a piece of the World Trade Centers and the memorial was dedicated on September 9, 2012. The beam is set at a 9.11 degree angle and is shaped like the Pentagon with the opening where it had been attacked. Behind the memorial, the Callery pear tree matches the Survivor Tree in NYC. The post to the rear of the monument is for Flight 93 and sits 40 inches high for each of the passengers and crew, while the dirt mound symbolizes the crash site. The number M-18 is the investigator’s ID number. The memorial is also inscribed with names of first responders who have fallen in the line of duty.
6 Tiffin Glass Museum & Shoppe: 25-27 S. Washington St.
Weds. – Sat. 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. tiffinglass.org
7 Squirrels
In 2005, Tiffin decided to start a theme of squirrel statues throughout the town. Each of the 25 squirrel statues were bought by a business and decorated to the business’s history or liking. The two squirrels still in view for the public are downtown.
8 Home From the Library
Erected to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the founding of the library, the cement statue shows a little boy pulling a wagon with a little girl reading a book.
9 Mural at City Lot #7
Located on the North wall the Supance and Howard Building, a mural was painted to honor and give tribute to Tiffin and Ohio. The first arch is a tribute to Tiffin, while the third one tributes Ohio. The middle arch depicts 1950s Tiffin.
10 William Harvey Gibson Statue
On the base of the thirty foot statue is a depiction of President William McKinley delivering the eulogy at General Gibson’s funeral. Another depiction on a plaque mounted on the monument shows General Gibson giving his famous speech in Melmore, Ohio in 1843.
11 The Enchanted Moment Doll Museum: 174 Jefferson St.
Wed.—Sat, 10 a.m.—4 p.m., others by appointment.
12 Tiffin Art Guild & Gallery: 130 S. Washington St.
Weds.–Sat. 12 p.m. — 4 p.m.
13 American Civil War Museum of Ohio: 217 S. Washington St.
Wed.—Sat., 12 p.m.—4 p.m. Open by request.
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